
Today is December 22, 2024 -

Temple Adath Yeshurun

Conservative Judaism in Syracuse, New York

450 Kimber Road, Syracuse, NY 13224
Phone: 315.445.0002
Email: info@adath.org


Abraham & Anita Altman Adult Education Fund:  subsidizes adult learning opportunities and programs

Alan Small Volunteer Award Fund: provides scholarships for participation in USY conventions

Arnold Goldberg Endowment Fund

Bernard Goldberg Endowment Fund

Building Fund: supports “bricks & mortar” projects

Drazen Family Educational Experience Fund:  provides tuition assistance for formal and informal Jewish education experiences, i.e.- conventions, camps, etc.

Edward & Marilyn Steinberg Family Fund for Tiny Tots and Preschool Children’s Programming:  supports programming for young children and families, such as Tot Shabbat & Dinner, Torah Tots, etc.

Lawrence & Janet Bennett Religious Enrichment Endowment Fund: provides funds to purchase ritual items

Louise Wagner Endowment: support of art

Minyan Fund: underwrites minyan breakfast

Music Fund: funds for the Baalat Tefillah to use at her discretion to enhance the music program

Phyllissa Kamp Britan Kesher Committee Memorial Endowment Fund: provides support in times of sorrow and joy

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: funds for Rabbi to use at his discretion – to assist congregants, support programming, etc.

Rothschild Early Childhood Endowment Fund

Religious School Fund: helps subsidize the cost of religious school education

Rev. Solomon & Marsha Kaplan Kiddush Endowment Fund: helps to enhance Shabbat kiddush and lunches

Steven Zeitlin Memorial Fund: supports Shabbat in the Round and other musical services

Youth Programming (Youth Groups): provides support to youth groups

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